Picture and Picture Wide Content Block options on Content Blocks drop-down menu

There are three ways to add images to your Lesson pages

  1. Select the Picture Block from the Instructor-led Content Blocks drop-down menu - in the Content Blocks group on the LGPro ribbon

  2. Select the Picture Wide Block from the Instructor-led Content Blocks drop-down menu

  3. Use the Insert Images and Text function in the Insert group on the LGPro ribbon

    • This option allows you to insert images into any LGPro Content Block

No matter which option you choose:

  • Cursor placement is key

  • Wherever your cursor is:

    • your image will be inserted immediately below

Examples of Picture Block and Picture Wide Block
Picture Block and Picture Wide Content Block options in the Content Blocks drop-down menu

To add an image into a Picture block

  1. Place your cursor in the Content Block immediately above the spot where you want to add the Picture block

  2. Select the Picture or Picture Wide block from the Instructor-led Content Blocks drop-down menu

  3. You will be taken into Windows Explorer to navigate to your image. Select the image file you need and click OK

    • Your image must be in an image file format, such as .jpg or .png

  4. Your image will be inserted into the Picture or Picture Wide block

No matter which option you choose

  • Cursor placement is key

  • Wherever your cursor is:

    • your image will be inserted immediately below

Examples of the Picture Block & Picture Wide block

  • In the Picture block, images are placed in column two by default.

    • You are given an option to put your image in Column 3.

  • In the Picture Wide block, images can fill the available space.

    • Based on the image size.

    • The column one icon is eliminated and the width is reduced.

      • The red Z in column one is non-printing and needed by LeaderGuide Pro

    • Columns 2 & 3 are merged to maximize image space.

Examples of Picture Block and Picture Wide Block

Professionally adding images to your Lesson pages will ensure:

  • your images will stay where you need them to be

  • your images will sized appropriately for the space available

  • your images will be part of your document file, to ensure visibility

Example of free paragragh marks in a content block

To use the Insert Pictures and Text dialog box:

  1. Select the Pictures option

  2. Select the Scale you need

  3. Select the Insertion type

    • We recommend either Embedded or Both

  4. Select the Border type

    • Or click No

  5. Select the Caption type

    • Or leave this area blank

  6. Click OK to insert your image

To add an image using the Insert Pictures & Text function

This option allows you to insert images into any existing Content Block

To begin:

  • Place your cursor in an existing Content Block, at a paragraph mark in the spot where you want the image to sit.

  • Click the Insert button in the Insert group on the LGPro ribbon

  • This will open the Insert Pictures and Text dialog box

Insert Pictures and Text dialog box
  • your images will be easy to locate within your file

  • your images will be easy to resize as a batch if needed

  • it will be easy to review and revise image alt text if needed