Customizing the Learning Type Labels

Learning Types are more than just a restatement of Learning Level descriptors… they define the sophistication quality of content that the learner must master, in order for them to ultimately perform at the expected level. And …

  • Learning types and learning levels are not locked stepped together.

  • An objective might have a learning level of 2 but the content that must be mastered is categorized as type 3 or 4.

To customize the Learning Type Labels simply:

  1. Click Customize on the Learning Design Tool ribbon

  2. Select Learning Type Labels

  3. Use the Customize Learning Type Labels dialog box to customize the labels

There are 16 included Learning Type Labels associated with the three Learning Domains, as follows:

  • Knowledge

  • Facts, Concepts, Processes, Procedures, Principles, Strategies

  • Skills

    • Replicating, Performing, Mastering, Adapting, Creating

  • Attitude

    • Forming, Norming, Performing, Transforming, Motivating

Customize Learning Label Types in Drop-down menu - Learning Design Tool
Customize Learning Type Labels dialog box

How to work with the Customize Learning Type Labels dialog box

Customize Learning Label Types - annotated

Edit a Learning Type Label

  1. Select a Learning Domain

  2. Select a Learning Type

  3. Edit the Type in the Editing Area

  4. Click Update

  5. Click Apply

  6. When done editing, click Close