You Get All of These Features with LeaderGuide Pro

Smart Templates

Ensure consistency & organize content with automated templates.


Easily customize templates, styles, icons & more to your standards.

Import on Steroids

Import existing content & images, controlling placement, size, etc.

Sync Companion Documents

Sync page numbers & content changes between documents.

Change Your Appearance

Easily change styles, icons, layouts & more with a mouse click or two.

Ensure 508 Accessibility

Alt Text adds automatically to images & tables for screen readers … more

Customizable Style Guides

Included Professional Style Guides eliminate wasting time on formatting.

Set Your Preferences

Set up the basics to meet your needs once & they will automatically apply

Extract Anything

Extract participant guides & more from facilitator guides.

Add & Calculate Time

Add & track time and easily generate timed agendas.

Reuse Everything

Existing content is easy to re-format & insert into new documents.

Work Magic with Images

Place, size, label, and control images easily - alt text adds automatically.

Easy to Insert Icons

Visually cue Trainers & Producers with over 2,300 icons

Create Reusable Collections

Keep your customizations in folders that are easy to access & share

Import & Update PowerPoint

Import, update & even create slides & notes in your facilitator guides.

Build a Library of Chunks

Create a library of content chunks that are easy to customize & insert.

Keep an Audit Trail

Keep an audit trail of contributors, imports & exports.

Fall in Love with Lists

Special formats for numbered lists with images, answers, no numbers

Start using LeaderGuide Pro today

You can do it!


  • Formatting is automatically taken care of.

    Adjust the formatting for:

    Title Text

    Regular Text

    Bulleted Lists

    Promote & Demote

    Numbered Lists

    Promote & Demote Numbers

    Restart Numbered Lists

    Remove Formatting

    Paste Special

    Insert a Table

    Add a Line

    Insert Answer Text

    Break Table

    Flow Table


    My Styles

    Merge or Split a Row

    Delete Table Row

  • Point & Click to insert included icons.

    Add your own custom icons.

    Insert icon bundles to cue sequences.

    Move icons & text up and down

    Add lines

  • Select content to extract.

    A new guidebook is created.

    Formatting is maintained.

    Table of Contents is maintained.

    Changes can be made in either document & synced to the companion guidebook.