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AuthorTec Insert Docs and Pics

Insert, resize, border & caption multiple pictures & documents in Microsoft 365 Word

How this tool helps you

You can better manage the process of inserting into a Word document, including:

  • Insert multiple pictures, PowerPoint slides, or documents at once.

  • Precisely control image placement by height, width, and location.

  • Caption and label images as you insert them.

  • Add borders to images as you insert, precisely controlling border color, width, and line style.

  • Control the insertion type as embedded, linked, or both.

  • Insert into table cells and maintain the table cell formatting.

Why not manually copy and paste into other documents?

Mining existing Word files for content and images to reuse in something new is a common practice.

  • It is also tedious and time-consuming.

  • It gets frustrating when formats change and objects don’t come over correctly.

  • All too often, the document we are extracting into becomes a hot mess.

Taking a moment to correctly extract and insert images and content from other documents correctly will save you, and your colleagues who may later need to edit your files, hours of needless wasted time. And help protect against the danger of accidentally corrupting your file.

Even with advanced knowledge of how to use Word’s tools for inserting and formatting, adding pictures into a Word file can be tricky; individual attention must be paid to each image to appropriately size, border, and if desired, caption. Inserting a whole document into another one can bring on additional challenges as things like headers, footers, and pagination are impacted.

When images and text are inserted correctly, they will conform to the style guide associated with your destination document rather than send the file sideways due to confusion within Word over how to handle formatting.

Luckily, AuthorTec Extract Objects and AuthorTec Insert Docs’n Pics take care of these actions for you.